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02 Flyer Pharmakon A3.jpg

Morphs, © Jérôme Conquy, Sound ©Jérôme Conquy &  Forest Muran, 2020.

Joy Jitsu,  © Jérôme Conquy, 2019 ; Sound © Forest Muran, 2019

Self-[S]ensored, © Jérôme Conquy, Sound © Forest Muran, 2020

Maps  © Jérôme Conquy, 2020

Summary for Lay Audience :

The crossroad between body/gesture dispositions/processes and our interaction with new technologies is the main focus of my thesis and installations. I explore Bernard Stiegler’s notion of Pharmakon, or Pharmakonic gestures, which views technological and social change as involving negative, disruptive transformations of the body’s habits/being, which offer simultaneously opportunities for positive recircuits and resistance through the possibility of creating new habits and gestures. My installations explore through photographic and video media the move of the body into its habits, and, in particular, the move from the body as a strict mechanical interface to its existence as a living, social agent. I call this the move from body to being, which under titles my thesis. In my work, I explore a variety of questions: How does a technological determined habit come about? How does a habit break down through entropy? How does recircuiting an anxious habit create a new habit through resistance, or ‘civil disobedience’? My installations allow the audience member’s body to explore the effects of technology directly, while my extended artist statement is my attempt to formalize these effects and define the mobility of the body both mechanically and politically.

Also see "Writings" to read Abstract and the whole Thesis

02 Pams Erection - copie.jpg

Pams, © Jérôme Conquy,2020.

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